Following on from Episode 2, this three-part documentary from Digi-Key dives deeper into smart cities, focusing on the rise of smart homes built from the ground up with technology in mind. Join them as they explore the ways that technology is transforming the modern home and finding its way into all aspects of daily life, from the driveway to your front door.
In the final episode, we look at the future of home construction, and how technology becomes a consideration during the planning stages before the home is built. Find out how new homes are incorporating connectivity, accessibility, and sustainability as we build the homes of the future.
Have you tried Digi-Key’s other series?
Supply Chain Transformed: Components at the Source (Episode 1)
Future Factories: Manufacturing at the Edge (Episode 1)
Hardware for All: Future of STEAM (Episode 1)
City Digital: The Road to Smart Cities (Season 1, Episode 1)