Urban parking has long been associated with the image of a driver attempting to squeeze their vehicle into a tiny spot on a busy road. The particular frustration and source of stress this holds can be bid adieu by the advent of IoT technologies which offer solutions that make parking more efficient, convenient and environmentally friendly.
In sharing a glimpse of their report tracking parking technologies in February of this year, BCC Research anticipated the growth in vehicles on the road and smart city development would drive the development of parking solutions in regions including APAC and Oceania.
IoT in urban parking
IoT technologies like smart sensors, automated payment systems and real-time data analytics systems are arguably the most influential in improving urban parking.
Smart sensors are arguably at the heart of IoT-enabled parking, and are arguably becoming a standard for modern vehicles. The advanced driver-assistance systems (or ‘ADAS’ as it’s better known) encompass automatic parking systems using sensors, as well as forward collision warning (FCW) and lane departure warning systems (LDW).
Figures quoted by Valeo estimate that in 2021, around 156 million vehicles in Europe have been fitted with ultrasonic parking sensors and with up to 16 sensors fitted per vehicle.
Sensors aren’t just exclusive to vehicles, though. They can also be fitted in parking spaces or mounted on street lights to detect the presence or absence of a vehicle. If, say, a usually busy road happens to have a few parking spots free, sensors can detect this information, send it through to a centralised platform, which is then made accessible to drivers through mobile apps, for example, informing them where they can park without hassle.
Real-time data analytics provide insights into parking patterns and how spaces are used. Cities can use this data to adjust pricing based on demand or identifying underutilised areas.
Traditional payment systems are gradually being replaced with automated payment systems favoured for their convenience, as drivers can pay for parking through apps.
Connectivity for urban parking
Network technologies and global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) play an irreplaceable role in making sure all of these technologies work. A sensor installed on a street light to detect an open parking space can’t transmit this information unless it is connected properly.
GNSS refers to a constellation of satellites that transmit positioning and timing data to GNSS receivers on earth, which use this data to determine their exact location through a process called trilateration. GPS, perhaps the most well known GNSS technology, means you can switch on Google Maps, input your destination and be provided with the most efficient route home.
GNSS technologies including GPS, GLONASS and Galileo, provides accurate positioning data and as such, is becoming a more indispensable technology for cities to transition into smart cities, with urban parking one aspect.
In writing for IoT Insider, Manuel del Castillo, VP, Sales and Marketing at FocalPoint summarised it neatly: “A less-than-optimal transportation infrastructure affects the economy, hastens environmental impact and lowers the overall quality of living.”
He attributed GNSS receivers and positioning technologies as being “devoted to an improvement of the quality of life as smart cities evolve”.
When GNSS is integrated with IoT platforms, it can enable location-based services as well as support geofencing applications, which refers to a virtual boundary created using GNSS coordinates. In urban parking, geofencing can be used to define specific parking zones, where parking is allowed and restricted, monitor parking compliance within these set zones and facilitate dynamic pricing, the process of issuing pricing depending on location and time. A car park at midday in a city is likely to be more expensive than at 7pm at night.
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