Telecom Infra Project to work with Intel on mMIMO for the Metaverse

Telecom Infra Project (TIP) is collaborating with Intel and Analog Devices to enable the Metaverse with O-RAN mMIMO solutions. The collaboration is part of the TIP OpenRAN (radio access network) project group. mMIMO (massive multiple input/multiple output) can deliver more…

Urban Digital Twins will unleash the power of the Metaverse

Influential accountancy giant, Ernst & Young, believes Urban Digital Twins are the key to unleashing the potential power of the Metaverse in real world applications for the built environment, including energy transition and decarbonisation. This verdict was delivered in an…

Policing the internet

You will likely have heard that this week, Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44bn. Concerns have arisen regarding how he hopes to ‘transform’ the social media platform with free speech. Many critics have speculated that this openly invites hate speech…

Wearable predictions for 2022

It is impossible to address emerging trends without mentioning the metaverse. The buzz around this topic has been steadily building, some might even say to the point of overhype. However, the convergence between this virtual world and the world of…