The best of WiFi and LPWAN

High data rates and a simple network structure have made WiFi one of the most common wireless standards. But WiFi has a flaw – its low range. This is why the WiFi Alliance developed IEEE 802.11ah for longer-distance wireless. The…

Electrical panel connectivity for renewable generation

According to industry experts, Spain will hit 68% renewable power generation by 2030. Here, Juan Montecelo, Sales Director of WEG Autrial, explains why electric panel connectivity in renewable power plants will play an important role in achieving this. Through a…

Private cellular networks for the smart factory

Digitalisation as a buzzword may not be new anymore, but in reality, digitalisation as a real phenomenon is starting to pick up pace. It forces businesses to develop continuously to remain relevant in the market. Anja Schaal, Team Leader Product…

5G and TSN for industrial automation of the future

There are numerous fieldbus standards aimed at ensuring real time support, but none of them provide a manufacturer or platform-agnostic networking solution. An answer has been provided in the form of Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN). Andreas Mangler, Director Strategic Marketing at…

Towards AIoT: Bosch Machine Learning trials go live on

Cambridge-based Artificial Intelligence lab building an open-access decentralized machine learning network for smart infrastructure, has announced that the team of the ‘Economy of Things’ (EoT) strategic advance engineering project at Bosch Research will be initiating machine learning trials on…

5G is a game changer for the military

Secure wireless data communication is hugely important for the military, both at home and abroad. Besides the apparent administrative use, this goes not least the military tactical communication management system. Mikkel Helweg, Business Development Manager and Terje Jensvik, Technical Manager…

Connecting cranes to The Cloud

In tough, challenging environments computer equipment must have special qualities in order to function optimally. This is especially important if the system must meet the demands of classification companies. Cargotec is one of the providers of cargo and load handling…

Bringing crushing and screening into Industry 4.0

Edge analytics software is increasingly popular with manufacturers and makes equipment data more accessible to decision makers. But could it help manufacturers seize Industry 4.0’s promise of revolutionising industry? Rubble Master, a mobile crushing and screening equipment manufacturer, put this…

Starting small for successful digitalisation

Upon taking a ‘small step’ onto the surface of the moon in 1969, Neil Armstrong uttered what would become one of history’s most famous phrases. It’s easy to dismiss taking small steps as a lack of real progress – but…

What does the Edge mean for IoT?

A lot has been written about the IoT revolution and how the technology has the capability to revolutionise industries, transform productivity and unlock new levels of insight. But for those intrigued by the possibilities and looking to dip their toe…