u-blox’s recent decision to exit out of the cellular market was explained by the company in an announcement as a re-orienting of its focus on GNSS and positioning solutions, but it also reflects a wider trend towards a two-fold challenge…
Ciena supports 1 Tb/s transmission across Pacific Ocean
Southern Cross Cable has connected the world’s first transpacific 1 Tb/s single-carrier wavelength across its 13,500km live production network with Ciena’s WaveLogic 6 Extreme (WL6e) coherent optics. This connectivity milestone witnessed WL6e perform effortlessly at 1 Tb/s over the world’s…
Radar technology adopted to improve traffic flow management
ITS Teknik has adopted the Anybus Wireless Bridge in a move to improve traffic flow management. This technology enables efficient wireless communication between traffic systems, minimising disruption and ensuring smoother operations. A key aspect for ITS Teknik is traffic signalling…
Vodafone building 5G SA network on Harwell campus
Oxfordshire County Council has picked Vodafone to build and manage a 5G Standalone (5G SA) mobile private network (MPN) based at Harwell Science and Innovation Campus. This network is designed to unlock the full capabilities of IoT devices through features…