– Originally written by Anatoli Levine, director, Products and Standards, Softil – The advent of ubiquitously available mobile broadband is changing the way the world communicates, allowing literally everything – every piece of technology, no matter how small or large…
Test specification to comply with Consumer IoT security standard
ETSI has released the test specification for the existing ETSI EN 303 645, the consumer IoT security standard. This test specification, ETSI TS 103 701, describes how a conformity assessment is performed in a structured and comprehensive way. This will allow supplier…
The untapped potential of data uncovered
Gartner expects that by 2022 more than 50% of enterprise-generated data will be created and processed outside the traditional data centre or cloud. With the explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT), the amount of data devices collect is becoming so…
Survey shows executives are concerned about network security threats
Nearly eight in ten Americans (77%) believe their company has gaps in its current security tools, according to Lynx Software Technologies (Lynx). Lynx, an innovator in modern platform software technologies, commissioned a survey of 500 Americans in managerial and executive…
Combatting data protection and GDPR issues whilst remote working
Oliver Rowe, managing director of Fusion Communications, explains how businesses can remain GDPR compliant as more employees adopt remote working. The events of the pandemic have reshaped the way many of us work, with remote and flexible working becoming a…