Global mobile robotics market survey indicates acceptance and significant growth

BlueBotics, the global reference in natural navigation for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), has released results of a new survey indicating significant growth in automated guided vehicle (AGVs) on its educational website, Conducted in collaboration with Logistics Business magazine, the report “AUTOMATED VEHICLES IN MATERIAL HANDLING 2022/2023 USAGE REPORT indicates a bright outlook for the future of AGVs. 

Between November 28th and December 14th, 2022, the independent research firm Logistics Business interviewed 180 respondents from 29 different countries, 87% of whom were involved in purchasing automated vehicles.  

Virtually all respondents used some automated vehicle to improve their operations, and most planned to expand use soon. The results also indicated increasing acceptance and trust in automated vehicle technologies, high adoption of natural navigation methods, and significant interest in interoperability. 

Key findings:

“This survey confirms our belief that the adoption of automated vehicles will continue strongly for many years, driven by the challenge of hiring and retaining material handling workers, the continued need for increased efficiency and cost savings in challenging global conditions. We are especially gratified to see such strong current use of natural navigation as users see the value of automating material handling operations,” said BlueBotics CEO, Dr. Nicola Tomatis.

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