Dexory unveil new AI technology designed for warehouse optimisation

Dexory is unveiling an innovative AI-driven logistics solution designed to boost warehouse efficiency, refine inventory control, and increase overall agility and responsiveness in warehouse operations.

With its advanced digital twin platform, DexoryView, the company is set to revolutionise how warehouse staff utilise vast amounts of precise data collected daily by its autonomous robots. This data enables real-time insights and predictive analytics, aiding businesses in making more informed and rapid decisions.

Employing a blend of computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, and large language models, DexoryView facilitates unparalleled efficiency in key areas such as space utilisation, inventory management, labour, and machinery usage.

DexoryView’s AI functionalities promise to transform three crucial aspects of business operations:

In a world facing challenges like pandemics and geopolitical tensions, the resilience of supply chains is more critical than ever. However, Gartner reports that 60% of supply chain leaders acknowledge their systems were not designed with resilience in mind. The reliance on traditional systems, limited by data volume and frequency, leads to the “Visibility Gap” – a significant challenge in making informed decisions. Research by IHL Group last year estimated the global cost of inventory mismanagement at $1.77 trillion, underscoring the need for enhanced visibility and decision-making capabilities (Accenture).

DexoryView’s latest AI capabilities represent a leap forward in supply chain intelligence, enabling logistics teams to achieve faster insights and actions. By combining autonomous robotic scanning of extensive warehouse spaces and comprehensive pallet inventories with AI algorithms and advanced sensor technology, the platform offers immediate, accurate information on goods and assets. This enables better-informed decisions on operations beyond inventory management, all from a single, user-friendly Cloud platform.

Andrei Danescu, CEO and Co-founder of Dexory, comments on the shift towards dynamic, real-time insights spurred by the pandemic: “The logistics sector has traditionally depended on snapshots of historical data, leading to a reactive and error-prone approach. Our autonomous robots have already provided unparalleled inventory visibility. Now, with the integration of AI, we’re ushering our clients into a new era of operational efficiency and productivity. Dexory is excited to lead this transformative journey.”

By leveraging advanced technology to address key challenges, Dexory aims to advance the logistics industry, making supply chains more efficient, flexible, and prepared for future challenges.

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